Here are some of the cool pictures...
Delivery of the Grass
Bella loves laying in grass!
These are my two skin nephews. They had a great time playing in the mud as you can see by Jack's mouth. This is Andrew and Jack.
This is me being a very good boy around the babies. I love babies and normally have to be told to not lick them so much but I was trying to get my toy back! I did wait very patiently for them to give it back and did not go take it from them. It is not nice to take stuff from babies.
Jack kept trying to crawl up to me and touch me. I let him a little but mostly just kept backing up. He did use my mouth to hold on to and pull up to a standing position once. I just let him and then gave him a big lick. He laughed and fell over. I love babies but I really just wanted my toy back. Mom went and got it for me after this because I was being so good.
The finished yard! It looks like a park it is so beautiful!
Mom is so happy to have a finished yard but now we have to go an help her water. Thanks for coming to look at our pictures! There will be lots more fun pictures to come!
Boxer love
p.s. Mom said to tell you that she and Andrew's mama were very close while I was playing with the babies. She knows I am a good boy around babies but it is always a good idea to have an adult near because I am very big and can hurt them without meaning to. In this case two adults, one for each baby. Please be careful around babies and children if you are a doggy so that we can help teach them to be nice to doggies and not be scared of us. Parents please teach your children to be nice to doggies and watch your children because not all doggies are nice and know to be careful. My good friend Honey is very good at this. Go and see her in action here...